Group classes for ages 5-18

Registration Open for 2025 Spring Session I (March 3-April 20)

Stay tuned for updates on Spring Session II. Email for more information.

Red Ball: Tennis Tots

For ages 5-6 and racket size 19-21”

This class focuses on building the physical skills (balance, agility, coordination, and speed) while teaching the fundamentals of stroke development. Students have an understanding of how to move on a 36 ft. court and develop a basic swing path for groundstrokes, volleys, and serves. Coaching is focused on sending and receiving (rallying), footwork, and racket technique.

Green Ball: Champs

For ages 9-10 and racket size 25-27” (Beginner/intermediate)

This class focuses on moving on a 78 ft. court and building physical skills while teaching fundamentals necessary to serve, rally, and score. Coaching is focused on height, depth, direction, pace and match play.

Orange Ball

For ages 7-8 and racket size 23-25”

This class focuses on building the players overall physical and tennis specific skills. The class focuses on how to move on a 60 ft. court and developing topsin, directional intent, ball recognition, and net play. Coaching is focused on technique, consistency, and match play.

Yellow Ball: Game Changers

For ages 11-12 and racket size 26-27” (Intermediate/advanced)

This class focuses on moving on a 78 ft. court and tennis specific conditioning on the court while mastering technique and consistency. Coaching is focused on overall point play for singles and doubles..

High School: Competitive Edge

For ages 13-18 and racket size 27”

Join our weekend tennis class for teens focused on preparing for high school teams, college recruitment, and tournaments. Train hard to improve your skills, strategy, and fitness while competing in match play.